Isnin, Jun 30, 2014


بِسْــــــــــــــــــمِ اﷲِالرَّحْمَنِ اارَّحِيم
السلام عليكم

Suatu hari yang indah , aku dalam perjalanan ke Penang. Jadi nak shoot terus ke Penang , rasa penat memandu . Memula ingat nak bermalam area Pangkor di Swiss Garden  Golf Resort and Spa, Damai Laut, Pangkor.

Dah buat booking secara online. Tapi lepas check balik route nak ke sana yang mana jauh le jugak nak keluar dari tol Gopeng, pengabis aku terpaksa batalkan tempahan tu dan ambil keputusan bermalam di Avillion PD je kerana senang nak akses dari tol Seremban dan masuk terus highway terus ke PD nanti. 


Sampai PD dari HC dah kat pukul 2.00 ptg juga. Sampai-sampai je , aku tengok kenapalah banyak pulak kereta . Rupa-rupanya hari tu adalah Hari Keputeraan Sultan Selangor . Adohai, silap haribulan lah pasal tempat tu dah jadi "sesak sangat" pada pandangan aku . Nak parking pun susah dan kena cari parking kat celah2 pokok . Ada parking yang luas, tapi kira kena seberang jalan besar depan resort tu dan jauh sesangat dengan nak hayun segala semua beg hehehe

Check in dan mintak bilik yang best sikit viewnya, Tapi kerana full house hari tu, maka apa bilik yang ada, tu yang diberikan. Nak buat macam mana, silap pilih hari daaaaaaa

Sebenarnya view 98 % bilik kat sini tak berapa nak cantik pasal ia pasti akan mengadap antara satu blok dengan blok yang lain . Ia tak menghadap ke laut lepas pun. Jadi kalau lepak kat baring2 kat kerusi di beranda, kalau pakai kain pelikat , kena ingat2 sikit pasal karang ada "tiger show" free nanti penghuni bilik depan tu nampak hahahahha


tu yang aku maksudkan view yang mengadap bilik antara satu sama lain

tu lantai beranda luar masa aku pijak melendut hehehe
view takda, mengadap penginapan orang lain

Aku dapati resort ni kira menariklah juga , tapi masih banyak lagi "isu-isu" yang boleh diperbaiki lagi kerana depa dok rated 5 star resort, tapi aku rasa tak sampai kot penarafan mereka berbanding Tg Jara Resort, E and O dan banyak lagi yang aku pernah pergi dan menginap . Aku rasa 4 star ok kot. Apabila depa rated 5 star, maka bayaran penginapannya juga tentulah tinggi . Senang cite, kira overrated Avillion ni.

Maka bagi penginap yang punya expectation yang tinggi setaraf dengan penarafan mereka 5 star resort, pasti agak sedikit kecewa .

Pernah aku menginap di Lexus PD yang sekarang dah tukar nama The Grand Lexis kat PD ni juga, rasanya di sana semuanya lebih baik dan menenangkan dari di sini . Mungkin Avillion ni dah lama menyebabkan kelengkapan dalam bilik penginapan mereka juga kelihatan usang sedikit.

Aku kutip sikit komen yang diutarakan oleh pengunjung yang pernah berkunjung ke sini dari laman trip Advisor yang terkenal di seluruh dunia sebagai sebuah laman sesawang yang boleh dijadikan rujukan . Ada komen yang membina dan ada yang sebaliknya .

Kebanyakan mereka mengutarakan tentang keusangan kepada perabot dan peralatan yang terdapat dalam bilik penginapan dan aku akui memang ya. Ada lantai pejalan kaki yang telah reput dan usang yang agak membahayakan . Aku sendiri memula bukak pintu ke beranda dan baru selangkah memijak kayu tu, melandut dan berbunyi menandakan kayu tersebut telah reput dan sepatutnya pihak "maintenance" mereka melakukan kerja2 pembaikan sebelum apa2 hal berlaku .Pengabisnya aku tak keluar langsung lepak2 kat beranda tu. Ingat memula nak 'sun bathing" hahahahaha

Banyak "bad review"  dari "good review" di Trip advisor berkaitan Avillion ni dan aku tak salahkan mereka kerana pasti jika semalam mereka mengeluarkan bermula RM 700++  untuk penginapan, mereka juga pasti inginkan apa yang sepatutnya mereka dapatkan dari sejumlah wang yang mereka bayar. Kalau tak, baik tidur kat hotel Ah Kong je hahaha 

Nampak gaya pihak pengurusan Avillion ni kena ambik kisah akan review mereka ni dan cuba perbaiki dan pertingkatkan mana yang sepatutnya kerana kalau mereka ambil pendekatan "ada aku kisah" , aku takut Avillion hanya tinggal nama je suatu masa nanti seperti yang lain .

penginapan aku hanya semalam je, jadi aku buat tak kisah dan buat tak nampak je apa2 yang kurang dan kebiasaannya aku takkan "return" balik untuk menginap lagi di sini di masa2 akan datang . 

Kalau ok sevices, facilities dan lain-lain  serta setimpal dengan wang yang dikeluarkan, insyallah aku akan datang lagi . 

Apa-apa pun, 


2 of 5 stars
“Poor service, dirty and lack of facilities.”
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Senior Reviewer
3 of 5 stars Reviewed 1 week ago
We stayed at the water chalet for the weekend and was impressed with the hotel. The staffs were helpful, the room was clean and cosy. The shower had good pressure, the bed was comfortable and free breakfast was sufficient. The adult swimming pool was truly heavenly and serene without kids running around, screaming and in our way. Am glad the kids pool was a mile away from this pool too. Also tried Avi spa 90 minutes massage and had the ultimate treatment; customer service was pleasant, massage pressure was just right and the massage room and ambience was unforgetable. This is a must when in Avillion. Overall, it was a good stay and we don't mind visiting again.

We could be visiting weekly if the following were improved:
- there were Mosquitos in our room; the hotel should prepare repellant. We bought ours.
- f&b are slightly overpriced. It would be quite pricey for a family meal.
- finally, the walkway to the water chalet could be better lit.
- car park could used some shades
- rooms upgrade needed as the furniture looks tired and worn.

Singapore, Singapore
3 of 5 stars Reviewed 3 weeks ago
The resort is beautiful and has nice unusual touches like a petting farm, with peacocks, pen-hens and roosters roaming around; reflexology path; spice garden

We stayed at the water chalet which had a nice rain shower, nice firm 4 poster bed, and cosy day bed facing the sea. Unfortunately, the Aircon and toilet flush was not working, but the maintainence crew was quick to fix it.

Breakfast buffet was ok in quality and variety , but again had nice touches like made to order roti canai; DIY roti Bakar - which is not commonly seen.

Had lunch and dinner at the Crows Nest - Asian food like the chicken rice and nasi goreng were really good, but western food was so so. Portions were generous . Price was 30-60 ringgit - kinda of pricey but expected in a resort .

The resort shows it's age - board walk planks are loose, water sports equipment not well maintained. Service is friendly, but laid back and not really polished .

If you come with the right expectations - I.e shouldn't complain of insects in tropical weather; Shangri-la level service in small town like PD - you'll have a good time.
Stayed May 2014


Singapore, Singapore

3 of 5 stars Reviewed 1 week ago NEW
The only two things I like about Avillion is the location and the spacious bed and day bed in the room.

For the price I paid, I have expected better standard of service and amenities in the room. When I checked in, the fridge in the room was hot. Even when I asked the service hotline, I was told that only the chiller is working. But after 4 hours, the fridge was still hot. Only when I asked the maintenance staff to help me with my TV that i was unable to turn on, I was told that the fridge needs air circulation to be cold. As such, I need to open the door of the cupboard to allow air to circulate. Why Avillion cannot take away the cupboard door or leave a note to tell its' guest to do so?

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
3 reviews 3 reviews
3 of 5 stars Reviewed 1 week ago
- staff very friendly and very efficient
- pool and petting zoo are superb for the kids - but too little time for the kids to enjoy at the petting zoo
- staff took courtesy to call us back for any of our request to check whether we hv received our requested services / item
- hotel old and rundown, mini bar not cool enough
- chalet quite small for family of 5
- food choices are the same for breakfast buffet for 2 consecutive days
- car park far from hotel and across a busy road - should consider to have valet service
- the worst of all, is that we have to wait until 7pm to get towels for our room on our first nite here

Kuwait City, Kuwait
Senior Reviewer
1 of 5 stars Reviewed 1 week ago
 the place could be better if they have better management and more honest description on the web site so our expectation will be lower and not to get shocked on checked in

1 review
2 helpful votes 2 helpful votes
1 of 5 stars Reviewed 1 week ago
This is very lousy resort that I have been. The facilities in the room can't function, air conditioning and minibar are not cool, the television is no sound. This resort really very bad it not worth for me to pay high price to come here
Stayed June 2014, travelled as a couple

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

2 of 5 stars Reviewed 14 May 2014
I'm travelling with 2 young kids (3 and 2 years old).There was no valet and no parking on site. Parking at the opposite site of hotel is a inconvenience and dangerous - there was no safe pedestrian crossing (other than a zebra crossing and in this country in means nothing) and most cars were speeding down that road.

I have to wait for 45 minutes to check in, room booked was not available however we were upgraded to a water chalet room. When we got to room, there were no hand nor face towels provided.

Attended a wedding dinner there, by the beach - buffet style - nice set up. A lot of mosquito. I got sick almost immediately eating the food, probably it was left out too long.

After we went to dinner at the Crow's Nest. I ordered the Crispy Noodle with superior gravy, It came extremely salty, I sent the food back. The dish came back again and it was still salty. How disappointing - you staff say this is the chefs recipe, I find his respond rude. I still ate it cos I was hungry.

We went back to room later that evening. I found that the bed sheet under the duvet was full of sand. I did not call house keeping to change cos both my kids were already asleep.

Checking out was another experience, had to wait a long time.

4 ulasan:

  1. Assalam bapak. Setuju dgn ulasan bapak ni. Masa awal2 FM pegi memang menarik. Sbb compare dgn Int Water Chalet masa tuh FM plak tak berkenan. Mayb masa tuh belom ada anak. Rasa janggal main pandang2 dalam pool indoor tuh. Ahaks. And masa tuh rasa IWC mcm serabut sikit manakala Avillion masa tuh rasa nyaman2 jer. Pool for adults pon ada untuk privacy. Makan pon best di Avillion. Tapi bile pegi baru2 ni macam bapak cakap la.. Perabot dah burok. Lantai kayu dah calar2. Katil scallop tuh masa baru pegi cantik.. Putih bersih. Kali ke 2 dah kepam! Kali ke 3 pegi dah tak ada lansung scallop romantika d amour nya. Tergolek kosong je le katilnya. Ahaks.

    La ni lama dah tak p. InsyaALLAH ni dah ada Sarah, sat lagi dah boleh p GrandLexis buat kali ke 2. Baru syiok main2 ayaq dgn anak kan? Ahaks.

    1. Waalaikumsalam Beb
      tulah pasal, kira tak menepati status bintang yang diberikan hahaha
      tempat tu mcm dah kurang penyelenggaraan, dlm erti kata lain "kurang kasih sayang",

      sib baik sehari je, alhamdulilah

  2. Pandangan sebegini harus diambil kira dengan serius oleh pihak pengurusan. Selalunya komen sebegini hanya akan dibawa di morning briefing bagi Head of Department saja. Kemudian mati disitu...

    1. Tulah pasal uncle

      depa masuk telinga kiri, keluar kat telinga kanan hahaha
      Selalu baca kat Tripadvisor komen pengunjung, management jawab "akan perbaiki" , tapi lat 2-3 bulan lain, penginap lain komen benda yang sama, depa jawab yang sama juga . Maksudnya tiada penambahbaikan atau pembetulan tentang masalah yang timbul

      ertikata lain, depa ni rasa "ada aku kisah"
      tapi untuk bisnes perhotelan, tak bagus utk jangkamasa panjang jika mereka terus bersikap sedemikian
